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General Insurance

Health Insurance

In India, the prevailing health care scenario has not been of a high order compared to the developed nations. The kind of medical facilities that are provided by the governments falls grossly inadequate to meet the ever increasing needs felt by citizens. Hence, most often, people are dependant upon private medical facilities, which over the years, have become increasingly costly with the advancement in the field of medicine. This has thrown up the need for going for voluntary health insurance commonly named as Mediclaim Policy.

How does it work?

Health insurance give the person a control over the choice of provider, facility and timing of treatment. It provides a general peace of mind that their medical expenses are covered. The policy provides for reimbursement of Hospitalization / Domiciliary hospitalization expenses for illness / disease suffered or accidental injury sustained during the policy period. The policy pays for expenses incurred under the following heads:

Relevant medical expenses incurred during period upto 30 days prior to and period of upto 90 days after hospitalization are treated as part of the claim.

Car Insurance

Car Insurance is a mandatory product and since it is to be renewed every year, it is important that you get the best car insurance rates. The process is very simple; you tell your car details and based on them we will tell the best car insurance rates to you. With us, you can get the cheapest car insurance policy and in the process save your hard earned money. With so many companies to choose from, doing a check for all the car insurance policies can be quite a task. At Citrine, we are tied up with a large number of car insurance companies to get you the best premium rates.

Critical Illness Insurance

There are a large number of critical illness insurance plans in the market. Each plan will cover a definite set of critical illnesses and may have exceptions also. By comparing critical illness plans from different insurance companies, you will be able to get the best plan with maximum coverage. Since the premiums can also be compared, you can get the most optimum plan for your needs.

Home Insurance

Our home is probably the most expensive and most precious belonging which we have. We spend considerable amount of time and money planning to buy one and then making it into a "home". Also, it is usually a once in a life time option for most of us and surely we want to ensure that our asset if completely secure. We may not be able to afford a second home or even have the resources to rebuild our existing home in case of any loss.

That's where home insurance can be a very useful instrument to safeguard our belongings. Our home, its content and other risks associated with it can be made completely secure with a good home insurance policy. In case of any eventuality, we can be fully assured that the financial loss would be taken care of.

What is covered in a Home Insurance policy?

Broadly, the home insurance policy covers the building structure and contents, loss due to burglary/ theft, loss of jewellery or valuables, baggage loss, damage or loss of domestic and electrical appliances, damage to electronic equipments and other belongings like Pedal cycles, etc.

The policy generally covers the structure of your home and contents against

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